Disperse blue 7

Systematic / IUPAC Name: 1,4-Dihydroxy-5,8-bis[(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]-9,10-anthraquinone

ID: Reference8317

Other Names: BGH;
Acetate turquoise blue B;
Acetoquinone light green blue JL;
Amacel green blue B;
Amacel green blue G ; more

Formula: C18H18N2O6

Class: Extractables/Leachables Textile Chemicals/Auxiliary/Dyes

Spectral Data

Disperse blue 7 mass spectral data can be found in a separate interface. The data are manually curated and of the highest quality.

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Available MS Data

Used Instruments Orbitrap Fusion with FAIMS
No. of Spectral Trees 1
No. of Spectra 456
Tandem Spectra MS1, MS2, MS3, MS4
Ionization Methods NSI
Analyzers FT
Last Modification 11/13/2018 9:13:01 AM
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InChI InChI=1S/C18H18N2O6/c21-7-5-19-9-1-2-10(20-6-8-22)14-13(9)17(25)15-11(23)3-4-12(24)16(15)18(14)26/h1-4,19-24H,5-8H2
Canonical SMILES C1=CC(=C2C(=C1NCCO)C(=O)C3=C(C=CC(=C3C2=O)O)O)NCCO
CAS 3179906
Other Names BGH;
Acetate turquoise blue B;
Acetoquinone light green blue JL;
Amacel green blue B;
Amacel green blue G;
Artisil blue green GP;
C I Disperse blue 7;
C I Solvent blue 69;
Celanthrene fast blue 2G;
Celliton blue green B;
Celliton fast blue green B;
Celliton fast blue green BA-CF;
Celutate green blue bgh;
Cibacet blue green C;
Cibacet blue green CB;
Cibacet torquoise blue G;
Cibacet turquoise blue 2G;
Cibacet turquoise blue 4G;
Cibacet turquoise blue G;
Cibacete blue green C;
Cilla fast blue green B;
Diacelliton fast blue green B;
Disperse blue green;
Dispersive blue-green;
Duranol blue green B;
Duranol printing blue green B;
Esteroquinone light blue 4JL;
Fenacet fast turquoise B;
Interchem acetate green blue alf;
Interchem hisperse green blue alfh;
Miketon fast turquoise blue G;
Nacelan blue cbg;
Nyloquinone blue 4J;
Palanil blue 7G;
Perliton blue green B;
Samaron blue 5G;
Seriplas blue green BW;
Seriplas glue green BW;
Serisol fast blue green B;
Serisol fast blue green BW;
Setacyl blue 6GN;
Setacyl blue green P-BS;
Setacyl turquoise blue 2G;
Setacyl turquoise blue 4G;
Setacyl turquoise blue G;
Setacyl turquoise blue GD;
Supracet blue green B;
Supracet fast green blue B;
Terasil blue green CB;
Terasil turquoise blue G;
Wln: L C666 BV ivj DQ GQ KM2Q NM2Q;
9,10-Anthracenedione, 1,4-dihydroxy-5,8-bis[(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]-;
Anthraquinone, 1,4-bis((2-hydroxyethyl)amino)-5,8-dihydroxy-;
Anthraquinone, 1,4-dihydroxy-5,8-bis((2-hydroxyethyl)amino)-

In Other Databases

ChemSpider 17486
ChemIDPlus 003179906; 3179906
PubChem 18514